View of completed US 340 Rock Slide Remediation project. Project includes new paved, paved shoulders, guardrail, and rumble strips.
View of completed US 340 Rock Slide Remediation project. Project includes new paved, paved shoulders, guardrail, and rumble strips.
View of completed US 340 Rock Slide Remediation project. Project includes new paved, paved shoulders, guardrail, and rumble strips.
Removal of loose rock from hillside slope.
Removal of loose rock from hillside slope.
Rock drape installation on slope face.
Rock drape installation on slope face.
October 2023 Construction Progress Photos
Installation of Rock Drape System.
Installation of Rock Drape System.
Installation of Rock Fall Attenuator System.
First step in mitigating a rockfall area includes removing loose or possibly unstable existing rock from the surface. Here we can see crews suspended on the slope, using prybars and hand tools to bring down those rocks.
September 2023 Construction Progress Photos
Photo shows the clearing of trees and brush in the vicinity of a large overhanging rock near the WV/VA State Line. Access ropes are installed to allow for scaling of the rock face.
Photo shows the removal of loose rocks at the bottom of the slope onto US 340 using an excavator.
Photo is of an overhanging rock near the top of the slope above US 340.
Photo shows an overhanging rock near the top of the slope above US 340. In this photo, the contractor is accessing the area using ropes and climbing gear.
Photo shows the clearing of trees and brush in the vicinity of a large overhanging rock near the WV/VA State Line. Access ropes are installed to allow for scaling of the rock face.
Photo shows the loose rocks removed from the slopes which have fallen onto US 340.
WVDOT captured drone footage of the contractor using ropes to scale the face of the rocks. Rocks which have fallen to US 340 can be seen on the roadway surface.
WVDOT captured drone footage of large overhanging rocks on US 340.