US 340 Rock Slide Repair Project

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About the Project

The US 340 Rockslide Project will implement rockfall protection and stabilization measures associated with the existing slopes along US 340 NB, while considering local traffic impacts and future development of the US 340 corridor.


Newsflash: WVDOH is proud to announce that US 340 is open to traffic as of November 30, 2023. This is ten days earlier than planned.

Frequently Asked Questions - Detour

Project Area Map

Project Map

Project Status

On May 1, 2023, West Virginia Department of Transportation (WVDOT) awarded a contract to Triton Construction, Inc. for this rock stabilization project.

Read the articles:

US 340 to reopen 10 days ahead of schedule following completion of major safety improvement project (

WVDOH awards contract for Harper’s Ferry rock fall stabilization

Due to the type of construction, this project includes a planned detour, starting on September 12, 2023. The detour route and what you can expect are provided below and on this one-page summary. We invite you to check back frequently for project updates as construction moves forward.

Detour Map

Project Details

The project area is approximately one mile long and is located along the northbound (NB) and southbound (SB) lanes of US 340 in Jefferson County, WV, in the Loudoun Heights region of the Harper’s Ferry National Historical Park and west of the West Virginia / Virginia border on the southern bank of the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers. US 340 is a high-traffic volume corridor serving local, commuter, and truck traffic from West Virginia, Virginia, and Maryland.

This corridor also experiences high traffic volume from seasonal tourism due to its recreational and historical significance in the region. The existing cut slopes in the project study area are a product of US 340 construction in the mid-1950s and natural erosion along the Shenandoah River. The cut slopes and the exposed rock of natural slopes vary in height from 150 feet to greater than 300 feet above the roadway. The cut slopes in the project study area exhibit varying degrees of rockfall activity that present potential hazards to the traveling public and require ongoing maintenance by the WVDOH.

Media Inquiries

WVDOT Public Relations
1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East
Building 5, Room A-137
Charleston, WV 25305

Media inquiries should be directed to or Please include your questions, project name, county, and other important information so that we can provide a quick response.

Citizen Inquiries

For questions about this project please call (833) WV-ROADS or submit a request on our website: Request Road Work